in 1969 at Kenosha , Wisconsin .
& Works in Easthampton , Massachusetts
( U.S.A. ) .
Education –
M.F.A University of Wisconsin: Madison, Madison, WI .
1992 B.A. University of Wisconsin: Parkside, Kenosha, WI .
Email - david@davidpoppie.com
“My recent work involves
the reclaiming disposable objects in mass to create two and three dimensional
works. Pieces can involve tea bags, matchbook strikes, plastic cutlery, pencils
etc. These items are generally disregarded and ignored by the everyday person.
Through the gathering of the discards of contemporary culture, I ask the viewer
to reconsider the function and value of these objects. I also reassign their
value by re-contextualizing them by creating a piece of art from them. Besides
utilizing the formal issues that interest me, based in the Minimalist school, I
also am making a commentary on the disposable nature of contemporary culture.”
Attrition . 24" x 24". 2011 . |
Between . 24" x 24" . 2012 . |
Biff Bang Pow I . 24" x 27" . Colored Pencils . 2009 . |
Biff Bang Pow II . 24" x 27" . Colored Pencils . 2009 . |
Big Bang . 60" x 60" . Colored Pencils . 2009 . |
Cascase . 24" x 24" . 2012 . |
Chaos . 24" x 24" . Colored Pencils . 2010 . |
Clangor . 20" x 20". 2011 . |
Collapse . 15" x 15" . Colored Pencils . 2010 . |
Contradiction . 11 1/2" x 23 5/8" . 2011 . |
Discharge . 15 1/4" x 28" . 2011 . |
Disorder . 24" x 24" . 2011 . |
Divide . 24" x 24" . 2012 . |
Explosions v . 18" x 18" . Colored Pencils . 2009 . |
Explosions In The Sky I . 15" x 15" . Colored Pencils . 2008 . |
Fall In . 15" x 15" . Colored Pencils . 2010 . |
Fall On Me . 24" x 24" . 2011 . |
Falling . 32" x 32" . Colored Pencils . 2010 . |
Halo . 24" x 24" . Colored Pencils . 2010 . |
Metropolis . 36" 36" . 2010 . |
Orbit . 15" x 15" . Colored Pencils . 2008 . |
Over/Under I . 10" x 10". 2011 . |
Rabbit Hole . 24" x 24" . Colored Pencils . 2010 . |
Radiate . 10" x 10" . Colored Pencils . 2009 . |
Should The World Fall Apart . 24" x 24" . Colored Pencils, Mixed Media . 2009 . |
Storm . 30" x 30' . Colored Pencils, Mixed Media . 2010 . |
Surround IV - Dissolve . 18" x 18". Colored Pencils . 2008 . |
Surround VI - Implode . 18" x 18". Colored Pencils . 2008 . |
Swarm . 10" x 10". 2011 . |
To Destroy . 16" x 16" . 2012 . |
And Goodbye . Stir Sticks, Acrlyic Paint . 24" x 24". 2008 . |
Antartica I . Chalk . 6" x 8" . 2008 . |
Antartica II . Chalk . 10" x 10" . 2008 . |
Analogue . 18'" x 30" x 12" . Cassettes, Mixed Media . 2008 . |
Analogue II . 18" x 30" x 12" . Cassettes, Mixed Media . 2008 . |
Ring Cycle . Installation . Cassette Tapes, Mixed Media . 2008 . |
Apart . Matchbooks . 24" x 24" . 2008 . |
Dialogue (a matter of opinion) . 24" x 24" . 2008 . |
Dialogue (Turmoil) . 32" x 32" . 2008 . |
Entropy . 4 towers 12" x 72" . Record lps, Mixed Media . 2003 . |
I Wonder Why . 16" x 16" . 2011 . |
In The City . 24" 24" . 2011 . |
Interference . 10" x 10" . 2007 . |
Haven . 144" Diameter x 72" . Birch Branches . 2008 . |
Magnetic Field . Installation . VHS Tapes, Mixed Media . 2008 . |
Mandala ( Approx. 144" Diameter ) . Cassette and Dat Cases . 2008 . |
Mix Tapes . 36" x 36" (per panel) . Various Audio/Visual Tape . 2008 . |
Map . Tea Bags, Mixed Media . 22" x 30" . 1998 . |
Never The Twain Shall Meet . Matchbooks . 15" x 15" . 2008 . |
Origin Of Species . Cotton Paper Deckles . 15" x 15" . Cotton Rag Paper . 2000 . |
Pause . 40" x 72" . Photogram . 2008 . |
Pop . 60" x 72" . Photogram . 2008 . |
Push The Button . 9" x 12" . Matchbooks . 2007 . |
Reconfigure . 20" x 20" . 2008-2012 . |
Shadows . 24" x 24" . 2011 . |
Shaker I . Stir Sticks, Acrylic Paint . 24" x 24" . 2010 . |
Shaker II . Stir Sticks, Acrylic Paint . 24" x 24" . 2010 . |
Silence . 18" x 18" . 2008 . |
Silent - Spot . 24" x 24" . Matchbooks . 2007 . |
Sound Of Silence . Matchbooks . 32" x 32" . 2008 . |
Swirl ( dimensions vary ) . Polaroid Photos . 2006 . |
Swoop . 48" x 48" x 60" . Six Pack Holders, Mixed Media . 2003 . |
Tree Chair ( dimensions vary ) . Dound Chair, Birch Branches . 2008 . |
Vapour Trail (detail) . |
Vapour Trail . 24" x 24" x 156" . Plastic Soup Spoons, Mixed Media . 2002 . |
Whisper . 32" x 32" . Matchbooks, Mixed Media . 2008 . |
Zero-Hour . 24" x 24" . Matchbooks , Colored Pencils . 2010 . |